— Empowering Families —

Care and support take the pressure of you.

Samira Poletti
Samira Poletti, 31
Educational Director, globegarden
One child (1.5 years old)

The childcare centers of globegarden are the professional home of Samira Poletti. Here she progressed from being a group leader to a childcare center director. After the birth of her son, she transferred to a newly opened childcare center in Wädenswil, her hometown. A conversation about what it feels like to arrive professionally – in the truest sense of the word.

Many people at globegarden continue to develop within the company. How have you experienced your professional journey?

For me, the open and constructive atmosphere at globegarden has always been important. You really have the opportunity to actively shape your path and commit yourself to achieving your personal goals. When I felt ready to take on more responsibility and lead a house with several groups, we found an optimal solution together. After becoming a mom, it was important for me to have time for my son. I wanted to step back a bit from my professional responsibilities. That was also possible without much fuss. This supportive culture that prevails at globegarden makes it possible. You are understood and seen as a mother.

Now you work in a childcare in your hometown. What does it feel like to combine family and work?

I coincidentally learned during a lunch with one of the founders that a new childcare was going to open in Wädenswil. I had always worked in Zurich before and I really enjoyed it. But when I heard that, I knew: this is my job! I grew up in Wädenswil. My family lives there. The childcare is near our home. It was a perfect fit. I was so happy about this opportunity. Last November, my son and I had our first day at the new childcare together. Being able to take him with me and knowing he is cared for at my workplace makes so many things easier.

Was it always clear to you that you wanted to return to your job after giving birth?

Absolutely. That was always clear to me. I wanted to return to the childcare and stay with globegarden. Nothing else would have been an option. I am very grateful that we found a way together. My birth was very difficult. I was out much longer than I had planned. I received so much support during that time – not only from my family but also from my employer. I think that’s very important for moms in general: That there is a culture of appreciation at their workplace and an emphasis on finding solutions together. this is not just for a certain period of time at globegarden. Even now, I can be flexible when my son is sick. The support and especially the option of childcare take a lot of pressure off as a mom.

What importance do childcare offers have for Swiss families?

A big one, I think. They give parents time to focus on other things – their job, their hobbies, personal goals. They give parents a piece of freedom. I am very grateful that we as a family have the opportunity to use these offers. They are incredibly important.

“I think that’s very important for moms in general: that there is a culture of appreciation at their workplace and an emphasis on finding solutions together.”

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