Spring - why it turns children into explorers

Spring is probably the most creative season. Read here why it is particularly beneficial for children.
The four seasons are full of surprises - especially spring, which presents us with the wonders of nature anew every year. For then the great crawling begins again, the lively chirping and daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses bore through the earth. And as every year, we thank Mother Nature, because the educational areas "Our World" and "Science Discovers" can hardly be transferred more vividly into everyday kindergarten life.
The first spring flowers
The joy is great when the first flowers grow in the globegarden flower box or in the park. Day after day, the children observe how nature unfolds and literally blossoms. The children often already know some flowers and look forward to going on a journey of discovery themselves. With trips to the nursery and a flower store, they learn up close about what flowers are, what they need to grow, and what splendor of color nature has in store.
How do flowers grow? Try it out!
The awakening of nature can be wonderfully imitated in kindergarten and also at home as a movement game: The children take on the role of a spring bulb and the caregivers or adults tell a story. The story could be about how the bulb sleeps through the winter deep in the earth and slowly awakens when the ground becomes warmer again; it begins with small movements and very slowly stretches out its roots before it gradually grows upwards and finally penetrates the earth and shines towards the sun.
Colorful crafting, painting and decorating
No season is more inspiring than spring. With flowers, the sun, rabbits, hedgehogs or birds, it provides plenty of motifs for crafting, painting or decorating. All activities train children in the use of materials, pens, glue or scissors.
It is clear that handicrafts promote creativity, because the children give free rein to their imagination and at the same time they understand, for example, what a flower is made of, how its blossom reacts to the sun and learn to name details such as stem, leaf or blossom. They also perceive the difference between shapes such as triangles, squares or circles and colors and materials. Not to forget the handicrafts train motor skills, eye-hand coordination - and the ability to concentrate.
globegarden garden self-made
Children remember best when they do something themselves. For example, creating a garden, in kindergarten or at home. You don't even need a large flower bed or a balcony for that. Plants can also grow in a flower pot or even in an egg carton. Because children are impatient gardeners, fast-growing flowers or herbs such as chives or dandelions and daisies are suitable. This way, children experience firsthand how the seeds germinate and grow.